SAONA, P., SAN MARTIN, P., and VALLELADO, E., 2024, The zero-debt puzzle in BRICS countries: Disentangling the financial flexibility and financial constraints hypotheses, Emerging Markets Review,
RODRIGUEZ-SANZ, J.A., VALLELADO, E. and VELASCO, P., 2024, Escaping zombiness: Does corporate governance have the elixir of life?, British Journal of Management,
RODRIGUEZ-SANZ, J.A., VALLELADO, E. and FERNANDEZ-MARTIN, M., 2024, Risk analysis of Spanish companies, Global Policy, 15 (Suppl. 1), 76–91. Available from: https://doi.o r g /10 .1111/175 8 – 5 8 9 9.13 316.
VALLELADO, E., and GARCIA OLALLA, M., 2022, Bank board changes in size and composition: Do they matter for investors?, Corporate Governance: An International Review, vol. 30, 2, pages 161-188
SAONA, P., VALLELADO, E., and SAN MARTIN, P, 2020, Debt, or not debt, that is the question: A Shakespearean question to a corporate decision, Journal of Business Research, vol. 115, pages 378-392.
VALLELADO, E., and VILLAR BURKE, J., 2019, Monetary transmission and bank lending: is the single monetary policy homogenous across euro area countries?, UCJC Business and Society Review (formerly Universia Business Review), pages 18-37.
ANDRES, P., REIG, R. AND and VALLELADO, E., 2019, European banks’ executive remuneration under the new European Union regulation, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, vol. 22, 3, pages 208-225.
VALLELADO, E., and GARCIA OLALLA, M. , 2018, Bank Boards in Europe: trade-offs in Size, Composition and Turnover, in Garcia Olalla, M. y Clifton, J., Contemporary Issues in Banking: Regulation, Governance and Performance, Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking & Financial Institutions series, pages 151-180.
MAYORAL, R. and VALLELADO, E., 2017, Beyond Rational Behaviour: the Non-Financial Variables that Condition Shareholder Action during a Takeover, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Vol. 20, 3, pages 254-270.
VALLELADO, E., SAONA, P. and SAN MARTIN, P, 2017, How Regulation Affects the Relevance of Bank-Debt Maturity as a Control Mechanism in Developed Countries, Journal of Business Economics and Management, Vol. 18, 1, pages 116-130.
BRIO, E. and VALLELADO, E., 2015, Evolución de la Investigación en Mercados e Instituciones, in GARCIA ECHEVARRÍA, S. and DURÁN HERRERA, J.J. (editors), 25 Años de Historia: Evolución de la Investigación en Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, ACEDE, Madrid, pages163-198.
MAYORAL, R. and VALLELADO, E., 2015, Situational strength, individuals and investment decision on a takeover, Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 44, 3, pages 239-263.
SAONA HOFFMAN, P, and VALLELADO, E., 2014, Is Bank-Debt Maturity Contingent On the Financial System? Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración (ARLA).
LIMA CRISOSTOMO, V., LOPEZ ITURRIAGA, F. and VALLELADO, E., 2014, Nonfinancial companies as large shareholders alleviate financial constraints of Brazilian firm, Emerging Markets Review, Vol. 18, pages 62-77.
LIMA CRISOSTOMO, V., LOPEZ ITURRIAGA, F. and VALLELADO, E., 2014, Financial constraints for investment in Brazil, International Journal of Managerial Finance, Vol. 10, 1, pages 73-92. SSRN available.
SANTOS ALVAREZ, V. and VALLELADO E., 2013, Dimensions of the business administration students academic performance, Universitas Psychologica, Vol. 12, 3, pages 1-15
DEBONDT, W., MAYORAL, R.M., and VALLELADO, E., 2013, Behavioral decision-making in finance: An overview and assessment of selected research, Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, Vol. 42, 157, pages 99-118
ANDRES ALONSO, P., ROMERO MERINO, E., SANTAMARIA MARISCAL, M. and VALLELADO, E, 2012, Board determinants in banking industry. An international perspective, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 33, 3, pages 147-158.
MAYORAL MARTINEZ, R. and VALLELADO, E., 2012, The interaction of environmental factors and individual traits on investors’ perception, The Spanish Review of Financial Economics, 10, pages 62-73.
SANTOS ALVAREZ, V., GARCIA MERINO, T. and VALLELADO, E.,2012, Individual perception of different stimuli: Implications for managers, International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, Vol. 7, 1, pages 1-14
LIMA CRISOSTOMO, V., LOPEZ ITURRIAGA, F. and VALLELADO, E., 2012, Firm size matters for financial constraints: evidence from Brazil, Sistemas & Gestão, vol 7, 3, pages 490-501.
SAONA HOFFMAN, P, and VALLELADO, E., 2012, Firm´s capital structure under Akerlof´s separating equilibrium, Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, Vol. 41, 156, pages 353-370.
ANDRES ALONSO, P. and VALLELADO, E.,2011, Changes in board composition and compensation in banking in the period 1999-2008, in Editor Philip Molyneux, Bank Strategy, Governance and Ratings, chapter 3, Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking & Financial Institutions series, pages 49-71.
FERNANDEZ ALONSO, B., MAYORAL MARTINEZ, R., SANTOS ALVAREZ, V., GARCIA MERINO, T. and VALLELADO, E, 2011, Investors’ cognitive profile and herding, in Editors: Jalilvand and Malliaris. Corporate Governance and Risk Management, Routledge, pages 166-193.
SANTOS ALVAREZ, V., GARCIA MERINO, T. and VALLELADO, E.,2011, La percepción directiva: influencia del perfil cognitivo y de factores contextuales,Business Research Quarterly (formely Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa), Vol. 14, 2, pages 9-32.
FERNANDEZ ALONSO, B., MAYORAL MARTINEZ, R., SANTOS ALVAREZ, V., GARCIA MERINO, T. and VALLELADO, E., 2011, Herding, information uncertainty and investors’ cognitive profile, Qualitative research in financial markets, vol 3, 1, pages 7-33.
LIMA CRISOSTOMO, V., LOPEZ ITURRIAGA, F. and VALLELADO, E., 2011, Financial Constraints for Innovation in Brazil. Latin American Business Review, vol 12, 2. VALLELADO, E., 2011, dictionary entries, in Editor: J.J. Duran Herrera. Diccionario de Finanzas (Finance dictionary), Ecobook. Several pages.
SAONA HOFFMAN, P, and VALLELADO, E., 2011, An integrated model of capital structure to study the differences in the speed of adjustment to optimal debt maturity ratio among developed countries, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, Vol 4, 3, pages 258-293.
ANDRES ALONSO, P. and VALLELADO, E., 2011, Las remuneraciones del sector bancario y el gobierno corporativo, Papeles de Economía Española, Vol. 130, pages 46-59.
SAONA HOFFMAN, P, and VALLELADO, E., 2010, Is the use of bank debt as a governance mechanism conditioned by the financial system? The cases of Chile and Spain, Applied Economics, 42, 13, pages 1709-1726.
ANDRES ALONSO, P. E. ROMERO MERINO, M. SANTAMARIA MARISCAL and VALLELADO, E.,2010, In search of an optimal board of directors for commercial Banks, in Editors: Franco Fiordelisi, Phil Molyneux, Daniele Previati. New Issues in Financial Institutions and Management. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking & Financial Institutions series, pages: 260-273.
VALLELADO, E., 2010, Discusión sobre “Efectos de la regulación bursátil sobre la eficiencia de los mercados de valores. Comparación entre España y el Reino Unido, Spanish Review of Finance and Accounting, Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, pages: 343-348.
MOLYNEUX, P., and VALLELADO, E. (eds), 2008, Frontiers of banks in a global economy. Palgrave MacMillan.
ANDRES ALONSO, P., and VALLELADO, E., 2008, Corporate governance in banking: the role of board of directors, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 32, pages 2570-2580.
VALLELADO, E. and MOLYNEUX, P. (eds), 2007, Size and Efficiency in the European Banking Industry. Comares.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA, V., FERNÁNDEZ ALONSO, B., and VALLELADO, E., 2007, Under/overreaction: An innate behavior of the financial investor, in Vallelado, E., y Molyneux, P. (editores). Size and Efficiency in the European Banking Industry, Comares, pages 21-36.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA, V., FERNÁNDEZ ALONSO, B. and VALLELADO, E., 2007, Información y conocimiento en los mercados de capitales, Universia Business Review, 13, pages 12-25.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA, V.; SAONA HOFFMAN, P. and VALLELADO, E, 2007, Oportunidades de crecimiento y estructura de propiedad como determinantes del apalancamiento de las empresas españolas, Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting (Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad), Vol. 36, 133, pages 11-30.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA, V., FERNÁNDEZ ALONSO, B. and VALLELADO, E., 2007, Existencia de inversores con exceso de confianza en su capacidad de análisis. Rol en el mercado de capitales, Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa. Vol. 16, 2, pages 41-52.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA, V., FERNÁNDEZ ALONSO, B. and VALLELADO, E., 2007, An Experimental Study of Herding and Contrarian Behavior among Financial Investors, SSRN 932928,
LIMA CRISOSTOMO,V., and VALLELADO, E., 2006, Possível Estratégia de Ativismo de Fundos de Pensão no Brasil, Revista de Economia Contemporanea, Vol. 10, 1, pages 139-155.
LIMA CRISOSTOMO,V., and VALLELADO, E, 2006, Possível Reação do Mercado Brasileiro aos Investimentos em P&D, Revista de Administração Mackenzie, Vol. 7, 1, pages 96-114
ANDRES ALONSO, P., LÓPEZ ITURRIAGA, F., RODRÍGUEZ SANZ, J.A., and VALLELADO, E., 2005, Determinants of bank debt in a continental financial system. Evidence from Spanish companies, Financial Review, August, pages 305-333.
SAONA HOFFMAN, P., and VALLELADO, E., 2005, Ownership structure and growth opportunities as determinants of bank debt: The case of Chilean firms, Management Research, Vol. 3, 2, pages 119-134.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA,V., SAONA HOFFMAN, P. and VALLELADO, E., 2004, Oportunidades de crecimiento y estructura de propiedad como determinantes del endeudamiento: evidencia de panel aplicados al caso chileno, Abante, Vol. 7, 2, pages 105-145[:es]VALLELADO, E., and GARCIA OLALLA, M., 2022, Bank board changes in size and composition: Do they matter for investors?, Corporate Governance: An International Review, vol. 30, 2, pages 161-188
SAONA, P., VALLELADO, E., and SAN MARTIN, P, 2020, Debt, or not debt, that is the question: A Shakespearean question to a corporate decision, Journal of Business Research, vol. 115, pages 378-392.
VALLELADO, E., and VILLAR BURKE, J., 2019, Monetary transmission and bank lending: is the single monetary policy homogenous across euro area countries?, UCJC Business and Society Review (formerly Universia Business Review), pages 18-37.
ANDRES, P., REIG, R. AND and VALLELADO, E., 2019, European banks’ executive remuneration under the new European Union regulation, , Journal of Economic Policy Reform, vol. 22, 3, pages 208-225.
VALLELADO, E., and GARCIA OLALLA, M. , 2018, Bank Boards in Europe: trade-offs in Size, Composition and Turnover, in Garcia Olalla, M. y Clifton, J., Contemporary Issues in Banking: Regulation, Governance and Performance, Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking & Financial Institutions series, pages 151-180.
MAYORAL, R. and VALLELADO, E., 2017, Beyond Rational Behaviour: the Non-Financial Variables that Condition Shareholder Action during a Takeover, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Vol. 20, 3, pages 254-270.
VALLELADO, E., SAONA, P. and SAN MARTIN, P, 2017, How Regulation Affects the Relevance of Bank-Debt Maturity as a Control Mechanism in Developed Countries, Journal of Business Economics and Management, Vol. 18, 1, pages 116-130.
BRIO, E. and VALLELADO, E., 2015, Evolución de la Investigación en Mercados e Instituciones, in GARCIA ECHEVARRÍA, S. and DURÁN HERRERA, J.J. (editors), 25 Años de Historia: Evolución de la Investigación en Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, ACEDE, Madrid, pages163-198.
MAYORAL, R. and VALLELADO, E., 2015, Situational strength, individuals and investment decision on a takeover, Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 44, 3, pages 239-263.
SAONA HOFFMAN, P, and VALLELADO, E., 2014, Is Bank-Debt Maturity Contingent On the Financial System? Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración (ARLA).
LIMA CRISOSTOMO, V., LOPEZ ITURRIAGA, F. and VALLELADO, E., 2014, Nonfinancial companies as large shareholders alleviate financial constraints of Brazilian firm, Emerging Markets Review, Vol. 18, páginas 62-77.
SANTOS ÁLVAREZ, V. y VALLELADO E., 2013, Algunas dimensiones relacionadas con el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de administración y dirección de empresas, Universitas Psychologica, Vol. 12, 3, páginas 1-15
LIMA CRISOSTOMO, V., LOPEZ ITURRIAGA, F. and VALLELADO, E., 2014, Financial constraints for investment in Brazil, International Journal of Managerial Finance, Vol. 10, 1. Disponible en SSRN.
DEBONDT, W., MAYORAL, R.M., and VALLELADO, E., 2013, Behavioral decision-making in finance: An overview and assessment of selected research, Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, Vol. 42, 157, pages 99-118
ANDRES ALONSO, P., ROMERO MERINO, E., SANTAMARIA MARISCAL, M. and VALLELADO, E, 2012, Board determinants in banking industry. An international perspective, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 33, 3, pages 147-158.
MAYORAL MARTINEZ, R. and VALLELADO, E., 2012, The interaction of environmental factors and individual traits on investors’ perception, The Spanish Review of Financial Economics, 10, pages 62-73.
SANTOS ALVAREZ, V., GARCIA MERINO, T. and VALLELADO, E.,2012, Individual perception of different stimuli: Implications for managers, International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, Vol. 7, 1, pages 1-14
LIMA CRISOSTOMO, V., LOPEZ ITURRIAGA, F. and VALLELADO, E., 2012, Firm size matters for financial constraints: evidence from Brazil, Sistemas & Gestão, vol 7, 3, pages 490-501.
SAONA HOFFMAN, P, and VALLELADO, E., 2012, Firm´s capital structure under Akerlof´s separating equilibrium, Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, Vol. 41, 156, pages 353-370.
ANDRES ALONSO, P. and VALLELADO, E.,2011, Changes in board composition and compensation in banking in the period 1999-2008, in Editor Philip Molyneux, Bank Strategy, Governance and Ratings, chapter 3, Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking & Financial Institutions series, pages 49-71.
FERNANDEZ ALONSO, B., MAYORAL MARTINEZ, R., SANTOS ALVAREZ, V., GARCIA MERINO, T. and VALLELADO, E, 2011, Investors’ cognitive profile and herding, in Editors: Jalilvand and Malliaris. Corporate Governance and Risk Management, Routledge, pages 166-193.
SANTOS ALVAREZ, V., GARCIA MERINO, T. and VALLELADO, E.,2011, La percepción directiva: influencia del perfil cognitivo y de factores contextuales, Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, Vol. 14, 2, pages 9-32.
FERNANDEZ ALONSO, B., MAYORAL MARTINEZ, R., SANTOS ALVAREZ, V., GARCIA MERINO, T. and VALLELADO, E., 2011, Herding, information uncertainty and investors’ cognitive profile, Qualitative research in financial markets, vol 3, 1, pages 7-33.
LIMA CRISOSTOMO, V., LOPEZ ITURRIAGA, F. and VALLELADO, E., 2011, Financial Constraints for Innovation in Brazil. Latin American Business Review, vol 12, 2. VALLELADO, E., 2011, dictionary entries, in Editor: J.J. Duran Herrera. Diccionario de Finanzas (Finance dictionary), Ecobook. Several pages.
SAONA HOFFMAN, P, and VALLELADO, E., 2011, An integrated model of capital structure to study the differences in the speed of adjustment to optimal debt maturity ratio among developed countries, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, Vol 4, 3, pages 258-293.
ANDRES ALONSO, P. and VALLELADO, E., 2011, Las remuneraciones del sector bancario y el gobierno corporativo, Papeles de Economía Española, Vol. 130, pages 46-59.
SAONA HOFFMAN, P, and VALLELADO, E., 2010, Is the use of bank debt as a governance mechanism conditioned by the financial system? The cases of Chile and Spain, Applied Economics, 42, 13, pages 1709-1726.
ANDRES ALONSO, P. E. ROMERO MERINO, M. SANTAMARIA MARISCAL and VALLELADO, E.,2010, In search of an optimal board of directors for commercial Banks, in Editors: Franco Fiordelisi, Phil Molyneux, Daniele Previati. New Issues in Financial Institutions and Management. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking & Financial Institutions series, pages: 260-273.
VALLELADO, E., 2010, Discusión sobre “Efectos de la regulación bursátil sobre la eficiencia de los mercados de valores. Comparación entre España y el Reino Unido, Spanish Review of Finance and Accounting, Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, pages: 343-348.
MOLYNEUX, P., and VALLELADO, E. (eds), 2008, Frontiers of banks in a global economy. Palgrave MacMillan.
ANDRES ALONSO, P., and VALLELADO, E., 2008, Corporate governance in banking: the role of board of directors, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 32, pages 2570-2580.
VALLELADO, E. and MOLYNEUX, P. (eds), 2007, Size and Efficiency in the European Banking Industry. Comares.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA, V., FERNÁNDEZ ALONSO, B., and VALLELADO, E., 2007, Under/overreaction: An innate behavior of the financial investor, in Vallelado, E., y Molyneux, P. (editores). Size and Efficiency in the European Banking Industry, Comares, pages 21-36.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA, V., FERNÁNDEZ ALONSO, B. and VALLELADO, E., 2007, Información y conocimiento en los mercados de capitales, Universia Business Review, 13, pages 12-25.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA, V.; SAONA HOFFMAN, P. and VALLELADO, E, 2007, Oportunidades de crecimiento y estructura de propiedad como determinantes del apalancamiento de las empresas españolas, Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, Vol. 36, 133, pages 11-30.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA, V., FERNÁNDEZ ALONSO, B. and VALLELADO, E., 2007, Existencia de inversores con exceso de confianza en su capacidad de análisis. Rol en el mercado de capitales, Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa. Vol. 16, 2, pages 41-52.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA, V., FERNÁNDEZ ALONSO, B. and VALLELADO, E., 2007, An Experimental Study of Herding and Contrarian Behavior among Financial Investors, SSRN 932928,
LIMA CRISOSTOMO,V., and VALLELADO, E., 2006, Possível Estratégia de Ativismo de Fundos de Pensão no Brasil, Revista de Economia Contemporanea, Vol. 10, 1, pages 139-155.
LIMA CRISOSTOMO,V., and VALLELADO, E, 2006, Possível Reação do Mercado Brasileiro aos Investimentos em P&D, Revista de Administração Mackenzie, Vol. 7, 1, pages 96-114
ANDRES ALONSO, P., LÓPEZ ITURRIAGA, F., RODRÍGUEZ SANZ, J.A., and VALLELADO, E., 2005, Determinants of bank debt in a continental financial system. Evidence from Spanish companies, Financial Review, August, pages 305-333.
SAONA HOFFMAN, P., and VALLELADO, E., 2005, Ownership structure and growth opportunities as determinants of bank debt: The case of Chilean firms, Management Research, Vol. 3, 2, pages 119-134.
AZOFRA PALENZUELA,V., SAONA HOFFMAN, P. and VALLELADO, E., 2004, Oportunidades de crecimiento y estructura de propiedad como determinantes del endeudamiento: evidencia de panel aplicados al caso chileno, Abante, Vol. 7, 2, pages 105-145[:]